The Missed Guided Tour
[curator | performer]
The Missed Guided Tour explores the influential relationship between the music composer and a historic work of art. This process, is one of many layers, uncovering personal stories, historic facts and the synergy that translates into a final sonic result.
In addition to myself, I chose three composers, Xenia Rubinos, Jeremy Toussaint-Baptiste and Suphala, who not only love art, but love the art of storytelling through sound, process and performance. We were artists in residence for 1 month at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, where we composed music in the galleries of our favorite paintings, during museum hours. General public were able to see the process, that culminated into a performance for the museum's Final Friday series. We also created an audio tour (The Missed Guided Tour) that was narrated by Olinda Del Mar, that utilized cell phones for the listening experience throughout the museum.
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A very detailed article on the process written by John Vettese appears here